Updated 21 hours, 52 minutes ago


Supervisor:Graham Smith Weighbridge Clerk:N/A
Phone:02 6955 2727 Coordinator:Cosimo Salerno
Mobile:0428264318 Coordinator Phone:0417 746914
Closed Sunday 28th. Compulsory rest day.

Site Safety Contact: Peter Farrant Ph: 0417746480

Site Email: agswhitton@sunrice.com.au

Opening Hours:
Depot Receiving:
Viand Seed Max Moisture: 20.0%
V071 Seed Max Moisture: 20.0%
Topaz Seed Max Moisture: 20.0%
Langi Seed Max Moisture: 20.0%
Doongara Seed Max Moisture: 20.0%
Langi Max Moisture: 22.0%

Please ensure you are aware of Depot Safety requirements and your responsibility to deliver in compliance with Chain of Responsibility legislation (see C2024 Harvest Arrangements Circular)

Developed by Custom Bits Software